Our Support

Membership is free. You can create your online gallery, be part of the panel for our regular online talks or list your courses here.

Courses created by you are owned by you. We maintain a small platform fee to sustain this site. You are encouraged to create your own online course. Listing it on our site is simple. All listing will go through a review by our panel to ensure compliance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore and well as with the rules and policies of Big Art!. Once approved, your course will be available for users to subscribe to. You can choose to set your course as free for usage with an option for paid certification upon completion or to have the course accessible only by paying subscribers.

If you need help in the creation of your online courseware, approach us and our friendly team of e-learning experts will work out the best way to make it happen. We have a library of tools, a production studio and an online live presentation studio. We are committed to helping you realise the creation of your online courseware at the most competitive price.

From time to time, Big Art! will also organise online talks, recorded interview, contests and competitions. These events are free to attend for our learners. We will work with suitable artists, performers, arts educators and industry experts to showcase what you have to share with everyone. Do reach out to us if you have an idea of an activity or talk you wish to conduct with Big Art!.

Whilst Big Art! is essentially an online platform for online courses, talks and galleries, our participating art organisations regularly have need to hire freelance artists for onsite art programmes or for commissioned works. Big Art! serves as a place where we will match you to such opportunities.